The Garden
To the side and back of the Old Schoolhouse building is an area of land that has been developed with vegetable plots, raised beds, and seating areas.
Our Volunteers
A small group of dedicated volunteers has worked hard over the last few years to bring it to a workable state, and they continue to maintain it.
Our volunteers visit as and when they please and have group meetings to decide what needs doing in the garden over the coming year. Any suggestions about improvements/new additions are taken into account then decided upon together.
If you’d like to be a part of our gardening group please call 0151 480 9177 or e-mail us here.
About our Garden
At the east end of the building lies a raised area of lawn with garden seats – a peaceful retreat. To the south side are vegetable plots and a pond area. Again, seating is provided here. Finally, situated further along are a number of raised beds for vegetables and/or flowers.
Recently, links have been made with the organizations, Mental Health Matters who support people with these issues, and YARS who work with young adults with learning disabilities.
Gardening is seen as an invaluable way to help build a good sense of well-being, and peace.
The hope is that these groups will become part of the team looking after this important area of the Old Schoolhouse provision.

