What do Healthwatch Knowsley do…

Healthwatch is an independent community champion created to gather and represent the views of the public on Health and Adult Social Care. they play a part at both a local and national level to make sure that peoples experiences of Health and Adult Social Care are taken into account by both service providers and commissioners.



Healthwatch are part of, and answerable to the community, they improve local health and adult social care services through community feedback, they provide information about the care choices the community have, they talk and listen to people from every part of the community and they hold services to account for the care they provide. To find out more click here.



Healthwatch Knowsley cover a wide variety of sectors such as; mental health service provision, domiciliary care, hospital discharge, GP appointments, hospital care and more. To find out more click here.



Healthwatch Knowsley has been developed to give the people of Knowsley a stronger voice in influencing and challenging how health and adult social care services are provided within the region. Their aim is to make sure the thee communities views on local health and social care services are heard.